Thursday, September 18, 2014

To Tweet, or Not to Tweet?

Twitter is fascinating. As an entire social media platform dedicated entirely to microblogging, Twitter is without a doubt one of the easiest foundations for communicating with people all over the world. This form of social media provides each and every active member with small insights and information that they otherwise may not have known. MAD Photography has made the decision to utilize this incredible platform so that we can connect with the world surrounding us. We want to show you all WHO we are as a company, WHAT we do, and share the amazing places that we get to travel to. Twitter has opened up an entirely new way of communicating with our followers, and we look forward to sharing what goes on here at MAD Photography.

Here are a few different types of tweet examples:
1. Engage -
2. Entertain
3. Inform
4. EEI + Hashtag
5. EEI + Mention


  1. Your page is crazy good Madison! Everything is awesome and I cannot find one single error. All your tweets are perfect. I like how you listed your tweets on the blog page. Nice Job!

  2. Your twitter looks awesome, everything is very consistent and makes me want to engage in your page and photography business! Your Twitter game is tight. the only thing I would suggest is to spared out your tweets a little bit so you don't overload your followers.
